Google Maps is the world’s most trusted as well as popular map and navigation application. Did you ever know Google Maps offers you a lot more features than just directions? It’s way more than searching for a nearby place, checking business hours and moving from one point to another with the fastest possible route. And if you are a business owner, this feature would help you build trust with your customers and create a better connection with your target audience. To increase ROI and take your business to a completely next level, Google Maps Street View is the latest buzz. So, before walking through the doors of your restaurant or hotel, the customers can feel the aura and comfort inside. Worried about privacy? Fret Not! Google maps use the technology that automatically blurs faces and license plates.
What is Google Maps Street View?
Ever since introducing its service in 2005, Google has continued to invest in its Map products and added significant new features. Among the most efficacious and resourceful of these innovations is the ‘Google Street View’. Formerly branded as Google Business View, it efficiently converts the professionally shot panoramic photographs into interactive, 360-degree “virtual tours”. These views are fully orchestrated into Google Maps and the users can simply click on a location’s landing page to have a look at the interiors and begin their tours.
Digital Strategy
The contemporary industrial era is unquestionably competitive and to survive in this digital environment, businesses cannot afford to lag behind in the race. And in case your business is in hospitality, restaurant, and healthcare/wellness, Google Street View is a natural fit for your digital strategy. Before finalizing a destination, customers pay a huge focus on the ambiance and decor. Google Street View offers a prodigious opportunity to business owners to attract clients by showing some unique features and giving them a glimpse of their landing place.
Demonstrates Quality
Google Maps Street View demonstrates the quality of your business and provides the best possible customer experience. According to research, the brain processes visuals sixty times faster than the text and these 3D images would enrich the customer’s views. There are a number of questions in the mind of a customer and they need to make informed decisions by walking around your business.
Boost Engagement and Encourage Positive Reviews
The virtual tours drive more traffic and you will benefit from the increased interaction that your business receives. This, in turn, would increase the reviews of your business. Your potential customers would know in advance as to what to expect before visiting and are unlikely to feel disappointed or misled.
Attract Your Audience
Your target audience might be scouring Google Maps data which contains over twenty petabytes of data. Wait! In case you don’t know, that equals to 21 mill gigabytes and 20,500 terabytes! Your registered business with Google would show up in the search results and the maps street view offers a platform to attract the audience. These images would appear on the Google searches, Google Maps, and Google+ Local and could be easily embedded on your website and social media pages too.
Long-term investment with Great Returns
Needless to say, Virtual Tours are the future of Digital Marketing and beneficial long-term investment. The best thing a business can do is to deliver because happy customers make up better businesses. Anybody looking for your business with Google would have an opportunity to come in, look around, explore the area and that too without any efforts.
Global Business View began as a project in 2007 and has blossomed into a marketing tool today. Leveraging it can help you attract more audience and leave a significant impact on the viewers, converting potential customers into customers. Whether one is roaming in a mall, relaxing at home or attending a concert, street view is easy to use.
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