Showcase your business with dynamic display of banners/sliders on homepage, which show personalized content to customers from a feed you control. Your banner ads show the new products, services, or promotions you update on your feed. These dynamic banners, allow you to have more impact with greater ease and simplicity.
SellnShip will make a personalized store for you with your logos, banners and content to showcase your brand identity.
Our ecommerce solution is easy to use and specially designed for Non-technical users. SellnShip will take care of everything you need to start your ecommerce store.
To setup your store effortlessly and without any problems, SellnShip will provide you with expert support wherever required.
SellnShip will design your store in such a way that you can easily do minor customizations like banner changes, content changes etc. and these changes will go live right away.
You can sell downloadable digital products like music, videos, ebooks, photographs and/or artwork easily and effortlessly.
SellnShip will provide quick login options on your store to connect with your customers in just a click by including Google and Facebook Login buttons.
SellnShip will design a stunning looking ecommerce store for you so that your customers will come back to shop more and more. Our experienced designers and developers will take care of everything from logo designing, store theme, banners and images. You will get a great looking ecommerce store within no time.
You can easily customize your main menu to show internal or third party page links.
SellnShip will integrate a powerful search engine which will help your customers to narrow down their searches and instantly gives what they are looking for.
Reorder your products as per your choice. You can easily manage the high selling products in a particular category.
You can easily sort products Alphabetically or via High to Low Price or Low to High Price.
If you want to make a house look big, put a tent next to it.
If you want to make a house look small, put a skyscraper next to it.
That’s the contrast effect at play, and it can work wonders for positioning your prices. If you want to make the price of the product you want to sell appear to be very small or reasonable, you can easily add high price to the products to show that they are on discount.
You can easily add detailed description, images, tables to products to make them more enticing and informative to customers.
You can seamlessly add multiple filters like colors, size and/or materials for your products to increase the product visibility and selling chances.
There is no limit on the number of products you want to sell on your store. You can easily upgrade or downgrade the storage space as per your requirements.
Upload/Download products via CSV file in a single click. You can easily upload images, filters and description for products via single CSV sheet.
You can track and monitor the stock in real time. Get alerts for out of stock products. Easily manage inventory and let your customers know about out of stock products on the website.
SellnShip will provide you with the system which automatically creates all the possible variant combinations for the same product. You can easily add multiple variations of the same product and specify the SKU and price for each variant.
Add multiple categories and subcategories in your online store to keep it more organized and user friendly.
You can add products in drafts and publish them on the store when you want to.
Get products ratings from your customer to know which product is in demand and loved by your customers.
You can add as many images of your products to attract more customers and increase the chances of selling.
Easily set different price for same product but different options. So, as soon as your customer chooses size XXL for a particular product, then the price of the product will change automatically.
With this feature you can let your customers compare products side by side based on various attributes so that they can choose the best.
This feature helps your customers to create the list of products which they like and keep them to buy on later. You can use this list afterwards to offer discounts and persuade them to buy products.
SellnShip will provide you with clean and well organized interface to view the new, pending, dispatched or delivered orders.
You can easily search the orders via order numbers, customer names, addresses, phone numbers etc.
SellnShip will provide you with the system through which you can change the order status as Packed & Ready to ship in single click easily and effortlessly.
SellnShip will provide you with single window screen shipping via leading logistic companies like FedEx, Bluedart, India Post etc.
You can easily send personalized emails to customers regarding the order status updates.
You can generate professional business invoices with order summary, taxes and discounts etc. in a single click.
SellnShip will provide you with an inventory management system from where you can easily add, delete or edit the products in your e-store. Gives you the low inventory alerts which helps you know what’s in demand and you can take care of it without wasting any time. You can also offer discounts on the slow moving products to free up your cash.
SellnShip will integrate your store with different domestic and international payment gateways like Billdesk, CCAvenue, Directpay, Paypal, Pay U etc. and provides multiple payment options like credit/debit cards, netbanking and wire transfer. SellnShip also provides you with easy shipping solutions with shipment tracking facility.
You can easily sell on multiple Social Channels like Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram etc. SellnShip will provide you with seller’s app from where you can share your product with a direct payment link for instant sales.
You can easily create discount coupons to send to your preferred customers.
SellnShip will provide you Mail Chimp service to send mass emailsat once to all or special customers. You can also track your email campaign through their platform.
You can easily implement Loyalty or Reward points in your store to increase customer retention by rewarding them for their purchases.
You can easily list your products on various affiliate sites like JUnglee, Shopzilla, Google and Bing to get more visibility and traffic.
List your products effortlessly in different marketplaces like Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal etc.
SellnShip will provide your customers with easy to use Social Sharing. Let share their purchases easily with Like, Tweet, G+ and Pin buttons.
Easily create Gift Certificates of any amount and directly email to your customers.
You can easily Add, manage and show product reviews to enhance your brand reputation. You can also offer your customers to add reviews and moderate those from the admin panel.
You can easily and seamlessly create daily deals and show those on your store with a timer showing time left to avail the discount.
Get immediate notification for any abandoned cart. You can also send customized email or notification for dropped carts and add special discount to attract the customers.
SellnShip will provide you with different customer engagement tools like Live Chat, Email and Social Media for direct interaction.
Setup your Facebook store and sync it with your SellnShip store.
You can easily add a beautiful blog to your SellnShip store. You can manage the categories, moderate the comments and optimize your blog for the search engines.
We will manually generate the Robots.txt & Sitemap.xml files for Google Crawlers to easily index your website.
SellnShip have taken complete care of your SEO needs. Redirect your page automatically to another page and making your site more SEO friendly.
SellnShip will optimize your store for Local SEO so that your customers can search your store and its location.
SellnShip includes extensive SEO features like Auto Generated Titles, Tags, Meta Descriptions, Image ALT tags and URLs. We also optimize every product, category and static page for easy discovery.
SellnShip will provide you with SEO ready Shopping cart to boost your online rankings. All the HTML and themes are also fully SEO ready so that your site will rank high in search engines.
SellnShip will provide you with FREE SEO Tools to enhance your store rankings on popular search engines and increase your brand visibility at ZERO cost.
SellnShip will promote your online store and get it boosted on the omnipresent internet world. Increase traffic to your store by running online marketing campaigns, SellnShip features several optimizations to enhance search engine rankings and discoverability of the store. Highlight your store with keywords matching the products and brands. SellnShip will promote your products on Facebook, Google and Twitter by putting up paid ad campaigns to generate more lead and chances of selling.
To sell online, it gets mandatory for your business to mark it’s space over prominent Social Networks. Attract customers on social networks. SellnShip will share information about your store on Facebook and twitter. Allow customers to engage with your store using social sharing features like Facebook like, twitter share, and Google+.
Google Analytics works with your online store, so you can track sales, visits, and referrals.
Analyze and gain insight into your store’s growth. See which products are selling and which ones aren’t.
SellnShip will provide you the site with best loading times. Your store is hosted on the best serves with virtually no downtime and quicker processing of the data.
Data is backed up daily so that in the event of unexpected disasters, your data can be recovered quickly and your business moves with certainty.
SellnShip will provide you with the Ecommerce store with virtually no downtime and the best loading times. We take the best efforts to offer you the fastest loading and quicker processing with a lock-down and automatic backups.
SellnShip will provide you with SSL Certified Store to keep your information secure for online transactions. This will also protect your store from internet threats and make it safe and user friendly.
“We form a creative combination of design, features, and functionality to build an eCommerce masterpiece!”